The March for Life has announced that it will forego the traditional march, which usually garners hundreds of thousands of people, and instead opt for several “virtual” events. The organizers cited both the COVID-19 pandemic and “the heightened pressures that law enforcement officers and others are currently facing in and around the Capitol” as reasons for the cancellation.

Although the march will not continue in-person, organizers say they “will invite a small group of pro-life leaders from across the country to march in Washington, DC this year.” Those chosen individuals “will represent pro-life Americans everywhere who, each in their own unique ways, work to make abortion unthinkable and build a culture where every human life is valued and protected.” 

“We are profoundly grateful for the countless women, men, and families who sacrifice to come out in such great numbers each year as a witness for life – and we look forward to being together in person next year.  As for this year’s march, we look forward to being with you virtually,” a press release read. 

The March for Life will provide information about events, including the March itself, the “Virtual Rose Dinner Gala,” and a seminar called “Capitol Hill 101” on its website, where live streams and more details can be found. 

The March for Life has been held each year since 1974, the year after the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion-on-demand in the United States. President Donald J. Trump spoke in front of the March for Life in 2020, the first United States president to do so. 

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R D Phillips
R D Phillips
3 years ago

It seems if we were truly a Christian nation we would have a great many more Bible believing, Bible living and walking out in their lives Christian leaders. I think pro-choice or pro-abortion is alone enough for a Christian to decide to support or to vote against a person.