New Mexico recently passed the most expansive abortion up-to-birth bill in the nation, S.B. 10, stripping protections away from health care professionals, women, and babies in the womb. 

However, during the debate in the New Mexico Senate over the bill, state Sen. Jacob Candelaria (D-Albuquerque) proudly spoke about how he threw a 12-week-old fetal model provided by the Right to Life of New Mexico “right in the trash.”

“Ya know, I got that same prop from Right to Life of wherever. I threw it away. Threw it right in the trash, right in the trash” he said. “Why? It’s offensive! Why is it offensive? Because not everybody in our plural, democratic society believes that life begins at conception. And just because you believe that morally or because your religion says so doesn’t mean the rest of us have to. We’re a democracy.”

Live Action reports:

According to the Endowment for Human Development, by 12 weeks, a human being is already well-formed, with a heartbeat, brain activity, and moving arms and legs. She can make complex expressions, can move her tongue and head, and open her mouth. She can suck her thumb, and her nose and lips are completely formed as well. Doctors can even determine if she is indeed a girl. This is a long way from that first moment of fertilization and her humanity cannot be denied. She has been a human being since that first moment.

Yet, Candelaria blindly ignores this, and his denial of life beginning at fertilization shows that he doesn’t have a firm grasp of science and biology. The knowledge that life begins at fertilization — when sperm meets egg — is backed by scientific fact. Once fertilization occurs, the newly formed human being has all of her DNA with eye color, hair color, and facial features all determined. She will continually and quickly grow — which is impossible of anything that is not alive.


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3 years ago

Once again a Dem proves not only that he lacks a brain, he also has no soul!

Last edited 3 years ago by de52
Michael Gilliam
Michael Gilliam
3 years ago
Reply to  de52

Oh, he HAS a soul alright, it’s black as tar and will roast for eternity.

Hope Rezar
Hope Rezar
3 years ago

So very sad that Senator Candelaria is not able to recognize life and truth! Let’s pray for him and a “Damascus” miracle!

3 years ago

Just pure evil and, sadly, they’re so proud of it.

3 years ago

Too bad those baby killers weren’t aborted like they want to do to others. How disgusting they are.

Elizabeth Estrada
Elizabeth Estrada
3 years ago


F F Tramutola Jr.
F F Tramutola Jr.
3 years ago

Let’s throw NM legislature RIGHT IN TRASH

3 years ago

candelaria do you no you will be held accountable to God but, you may not believe in God. That does not change anything demo. There are a lot of you people around. Some day you will all find out.

Lee Harant
Lee Harant
3 years ago

The day will come when we all have to answer and the response will be swift. These folks will have little time in front of the Judge. It is amazing that he and his fellow merchants of death cannot accept life begins at conception, even after a detectable heartbeat (Heartbeat Bills all across this country). We can try to change hearts and minds but it is almost impossible to change twisted ideology and the democrats have the most twisted ideology in this country.

Esther Egan
Esther Egan
3 years ago

 Sen. Jacob Candelaria, should go and give his mom a big hug for giving him life. He now has the words to express his disdain of being alive. Back when he was conceived his mother loved him a whole lot to give birth. I feel sorry for him.

Herbert G. Chapman
Herbert G. Chapman
3 years ago

This dipstick just wants to badger the pro-life org. He thinks because he is a senator he is smarter then the Doctors . You can bet on one thing that women where the ones who voted for him probably because he is a fat nincompoop with a only a brain stem without the brain. .

3 years ago

Yet, what we believe you challenge and think
You can force us to believe only your way.
You try to force all your beliefs upon us. We are not your prisoners. We have the right to our opinions just as you do. You are best to just be quiet

3 years ago

I cannot imagine what kind of person this creep is married to. Hope they do not have children or especially grandchildren.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jody

Fat chance of that, he would murder his own child in the womb and say, “It is not a baby, it is just a hunk of meat that is offensive to me.” If he has a woman that he calls his wife, they probably deserve each other, how sad. A marriage should be based on love, with him, it is just a sex act where he gets his jollies. I hate to state or wish bad things would happen to people but…. God needs to act and I am NOT telling God what to do.

3 years ago

I thought the Dems were the ‘party of science’? I guess only the ‘science’ that they want to believe in. What a POS.

3 years ago
Reply to  Richard

Yes, it is only science if it profits them.

3 years ago

Wonder when this genius thinks life begins. Democrats say they believe in science. Science has traced it all the way back to conception. “That’s settled science” as they put it. Only this really is settled science. The whole process is documented.

Maybe it’s the Omar theory. Something like “Some people do some things and 9 months later Poof, a kid is born.”

3 years ago

I thought the Dems were the ‘party of science’. I guess they only believe ‘science’ when it supports their causes.

Angela DeFranco
Angela DeFranco
3 years ago

How sad that this Senator is so full of hatred and blinded to the fact that life begins a conception. He even votes to kill the baby at nine months and at birth. When does he believe life begins? When they start walking, going to school and then college? This man needs a spiritual healing. Let us all pray for this healing.

3 years ago

Hey MORON, In one breath you say that you should trust the science and in the next breath, you say that your unfounded beliefs are what is really important. Science has proven that life begins at conception. within the first few weeks, there is a heartbeat, brain activity, they feel pain, and they rely on oxygen supplied through the umbilical cord from the mother. In your stupid uneducated opinion, when does “life” start? At what point does a baby in the womb “turn into” a human being? Just how STUPID can you be???

3 years ago

Just one MORE intellectually challenged politician attempting to make points with his Socialist/ liberal base! These mental midgets must be voted OUT and replaced with people who can detect fact from fiction.

Ruben Plaza
Ruben Plaza
3 years ago

Absolutely ignorant!!! Does he have kids? Did he throw them into the trash? This is not a matter of soul or believes, is a matter of being human, a matter of decency. He’s inhuman and indecent! Why do people like him get elected? Where are his constituents? Kick him out of office!!! Throw him in the trash!!!

Paul Otts
Paul Otts
3 years ago

Well, he’s an idiot, so there is that.

Michael Gilliam
Michael Gilliam
3 years ago

Just because this fool doesn’t BELIEVE that 2+2=4 doesn’t make it any less so. Of course if he whines loud enough Biden just might sign an Executive Decree, um I mean Order stating that the number 4 shall no longer be included in 2+2 equations.

Joyce Horton
Joyce Horton
3 years ago

What a sorry excuse for a human being ! He’s probably gay & has no children.

3 years ago

What Candelaria did was NOT something to be proud of at all, and for him to throw a 3-month old fetus away, he really should have looked closer, since it is well KNOWN FACT that at 3 month it is indeed a baby with a heart-beat, which means that it is ALIVE…
SO instead of being as proud as he said he was, he should really be rather ASHAMED…
I truly hope that this human, I will NOT call him a man, since to a woman he is NOT a man, but a little boy, who refuse to see REALITY in the eye……….
After 3 monts, there should NO longer be any talk about abortion UNLESS it is :”rape, incest, or a problem which could cost either the mother or the baby serious complications…….

Walter Goddard
Walter Goddard
3 years ago

Senator Candelaria,

If your brain is still moderately functioning, please take a moment to answer this question…

If you honestly believe that life only begins at birth and not at conception, what would’ve happened to you in your mother’s womb if she chose an abortion?

Would you still be alive and working as a New Mexico Senator, or would you be dead?

Your answer should follow your vote on the abortion law Sir!

If it doesn’t, your constituents should have you removed from office!

Last edited 3 years ago by Walter Goddard
3 years ago

Well Mr. Candelaria I hope Jesus doesn’t just throw you in the trash for murdering innocent babies!

3 years ago

Get rid of all these pro Abortion/Andrechrome loving satanists

3 years ago

This idiot is disgusting. He’s not a person. People have feelings and he clearly does not therefore he is a not person.

3 years ago

This guy should be thrown ut of the Political trash. A right to life is a God given right. A baby cannot fight back it is helpless. But where are the mothers, the families? Its time for promiscuity to be dealt with. Sleeping around outside marriage breaks up a Society and God gets angry. Teach Gods 10 Commandments in schools

Robert Ellis
Robert Ellis
3 years ago

I think they stopped teaching biology a long time ago…..

Walter Goddard
Walter Goddard
3 years ago

Pardon me for preaching… I wonder if ProLife will allow me to, for a moment!

Abortion, from a Star Wars point of view….
….The force of hypocrisy is strong in them!

…They’re blinded by either, evil unbelief and doubt, or they’ve taken a spiritual bribe and it has blinded them!

From one side of their mouths:

They neither profess that life begins at conception; although cellular growth of the human body is taking place, nor does the living soul and spirit, garner mans’ “scientific” notice….

From the other side of their mouths:

They build rockets; that fly through space, and even create remote dune buggies; that maneuver on Mars….
All in search of a single, living cell… life!

These are spiritual battles we’re in!
Only the Lord can win this battle and the war..
We must turn to Him and seek His will…
…Are you asking, seeking, and knocking?
How about listening?

Have you that claim to be “Christian” learned yet, that not every spirit is of the Lord?
…How many of you play “church” and do the bidding of scripture, by a spirit of “religion”?
It spurs Bible bashing and blind zeal…

He said the Bible testified of Himself, yet men were searching the scriptures for “life”…
John 5:39
When you seek the Lord, with all of your “heart”, He will allow you to find Him!

Where two or more are gathered in “His name”,
He is there…

We need to stop playing church, it turns people against the Lord!

3 years ago

Candleloser I hope to God you have no child or children for their sake they deserve better than you are a piece of human waste, vermin is to good a word to use on you!

3 years ago

What a shame those creeps are allowed to breath fresh air and spout such hate.

3 years ago

What the senator forgets is that when you kill the body you also kill the soul. Do you really want that on your conscious when you stand before God to be judged.

3 years ago

I have a hard time understanding how NM keeps rebooting for hateful evil Democrats!