We have reached the midpoint of this spring’s 40 Days for Life campaign, an annual 40-day organized effort during Lent to pray to end abortion.

According to Life News, 183 babies have been saved from abortion during this year’s 40 Days for Life campaign. 

Here are some stories from the 40 Days for Life campaign, according to Life News: 

In Madison, they met longtime Milwaukee vigil leader Dan Miller, who himself traveled 75 miles to pray.

An extended conversation with one particular Planned Parenthood visitor wasn’t able to change a mind and save a baby…..but the mere sight of the group inspired another mom to choose life! When Dan returned home that day, he went out to Milwaukee’s 40 Days for Life vigil–and helped save two more babies from abortion!

These faithful prayer warriors didn’t despair over dysfunction in Washington, D.C. They entrusted God to use them to save lives–and He did!

Riverside, California:

Two women arriving at Planned Parenthood angrily complained about the pro-life presence on the sidewalk as they pulled into the parking lot.

But within the hour, the driver told the prayer warriors that her friend had chosen to keep her baby.

The two women left the abortion facility with a markedly different demeanor. This time, both waved enthusiastically at vigil participants with big smiles on their faces.

Tuluá, Colombia

A young woman approached vigil participants in Tuluá asking for help encouraging her abortion-minded friend to choose life.

The pregnant mother’s boyfriend used abortion as his favored means of birth control…and had a history of pressuring past girlfriends to abort.

But thanks to the outreach of the local 40 Days for Life team, the woman found the courage to resist the pressure and chose life for her baby.

Learn how you can get involved with the 40 Days for Life campaign by finding your location here.

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3 years ago

PRAYER IS POWERFUL! Every one of these rabid abortion pushers should ask themselves “what if my mother chose abortion?”