On Monday, Catholic bishops in Germany defied the Vatican on its order that it was not proper to bless same-sex couples and held its “blessing services for lovers” ceremony, which explicitly included same-sex partners. On the altar, a rainbow flag was draped while during the service, “Imagine” by John Lennon was played.

According to the organizers of a service at the Liebfrauenkirche in Frankfurt, “At the end of the Mass (…) Capuchin friars were available to all couples for personal blessings.” The church, dedicated to Mary, belongs to the Diocese of Limburg, led by Bishop Georg Bätzing, chairman of the German bishops’ conference.

According to Catholic News Service:

The Church should not presume to define what love is, the organizer commented: “Love is not a sin, we are all blessed, fundamentally. Let us build on that.”

At the same time, in the nearby Augustinian Church, the priest emphasized that God’s blessing belongs to “all people.”

“We can’t help but bless,” the priest continued, adding that those who blessed same-sex partnerships were following their consciences.

The same-sex blessings are in direct opposition to Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer’s March 15 statement, reading, “It is not licit to impart a blessing on relationships, or partnerships, even stable, that involve sexual activity outside of marriage (i.e., outside the indissoluble union of a man and a woman open in itself to the transmission of life), as is the case of the unions between persons of the same sex.”

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2 years ago

So, why haven’t they all been excommunicated yet?

2 years ago


carol farinacci
carol farinacci
2 years ago

What is happening to the men and women of God!!! Do they not read the Word of God anymore? Has fame or notification affected there call by God? Is it money or pride? Is it there own demonic control sexually? It’s time for a wake up call to the Catholic church ( to all churches) Get back to the bible and the Word of God. Remember, God is a forgiver of those who REPENT. I call this ICHABOD…the “GLORY” has left the church.

2 years ago

AMEN to that Sister!

2 years ago

Those Germans should all be excommunicated & allowed no access to church sacraments!