Take Michelle Boorstein’s “The threat to Roe v. Wade is driving a religious movement for reproductive choice” The subhead to the story which appeared this  weekend in the Washington Post reads Americans who see a religious case for abortion access try to shift the narrative.” “Shift the narrative” and how!

The lead to her account is the story of Rev. Kaeley McEvoy. When she began at Westmoreland Congregational in 2018, she didn’t know if she should tell her congregation that she’d recently had an abortion. She knows her congregation was “liberal,” but not to worry.

Read more at Life News.

According to the Washington Post:

McEvoy was already a reproductive rights advocate, and to her the experience wasn’t in conflict with her faith. When the pastor and her then-boyfriend learned in 2016 that she was pregnant, the first place they went was to a cathedral, to pray — and to call doctors’ offices in search of one to do the abortion. Other visitors to the cathedral happened to try to enter the small chapel where McEvoy was on the phone, but her boyfriend turned them away, she remembers, saying “something holy is happening here.

In November, McEvoy, a 29-year-old with a melodic preaching cadence, took the high, white pulpit at Westmoreland and said she had “never felt more known and heard and loved by God than when I entered the doors of a Planned Parenthood.” Then last month she addressed a group of Christian abortion access activists meeting in a D.C. church: “Something holy is happening here, friends.”

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F F Tramutola Jr.
F F Tramutola Jr.
2 years ago

What would he call killing pastors? SAVIOR!

Stephen Weiss
Stephen Weiss
2 years ago

so…in that church….”pastor” and slut are interchangeable…she gets knocked up by a BOY fiend, not married, and has an abortion, and that makes her Holy…she’s a scam artist.

2 years ago

After eight years with the most anti-American, the most racists, the most pro-abortionist, and the most godless presidency of Barrack Obama, God gave us Pres. Trump to see if the hearts of these people would turn back from the wickedness this government has embraced. They did not turn back but actually, dug in their heels deeper to become even more wicked than ever before in the history of this nation, lying, cheating, stealing, and even killing.
God has been sending His warnings of the destruction of the United States since the mid-1980s, for having embraced these abominations against His WORD.
Just as God allowed heathen nations to destroy the nation of Israel several times as we are told in the Book of Judges; so too, will God allow heathen nations to destroy the United States for having sinned so greatly against His WORD.
Pray as you have never prayed before, not for this nation but for all your loved ones and yourself.
God will save those that repent of their sins and accept Christ Jesus as their LORD and Savior, but He will not save this nation.
No one is so good that they do not need God’s forgiveness, and no one is so bad that God cannot forgive a humble heart that cries out to Him.

2 years ago

A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.
How many of the 7 things that God hates and are an abomination to Him, did this so- called pastor fulfill?
Thus begins the apostate church, that tickles people’s ears and never brings up the word, “sin”?
And when this so -called pastor, meets the One and Only TRUE Holy one, what will be her excuse for taking the life of her innocent babe?

Tom Allen
Tom Allen
2 years ago

Let’s break this down to reality. This woman is not a preacher, she’s a lost soul that doesn’t know the GOD of heaven. Maybe she’s worshiping Principalities of darkness, but I’m sure God has NOT blessed the killing of a child, even an illegitimate one. Repent!

2 years ago

Sorry but the Bible says murder goes against God’s ten commandments and there will never be anything holy about it.