Biden as he attacked Pro-Life moms. Photo/File/jlhervas / Flickr

The Biden administration just keeps sinking further. On Thursday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki claimed Alabama’s recently passed bill which outlaws medical procedures which aim to change a minor’s gender or delay puberty will “hurt children.”

Life Site News reports:

“But Alabama’s lawmakers and other legislators who are contemplating these discriminatory bills have been put on notice by the Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services” that such legislation could violate the Constitution and federal law, Psaki said.

President Joe Biden’s administration has released several documents in recent weeks declaring support for the surgical and chemical mutilation of gender-confused kids’ bodies.

The bill, passed on Thursday and sent to Governor Kay Ivey, would prohibit the prescription of puberty blockers and prohibit pediatric “surgeries that sterilize, including [a] castration, vasectomy, hysterectomy, oophorectomy, orchiectomy, and penectomy.”

It would also outlaw procedures that “artificially construct tissue with the appearance of genitalia that differs from the individual’s sex, including metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, and vaginoplasty.”

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F F Tramutola Jr.
F F Tramutola Jr.
2 years ago

When do WE THE PEOPLE threaten to arrest, indict, try, convict and sentence?

ahem tonto
ahem tonto
2 years ago

Now appears to be the right time as politicians have become more and more self serving and corrupt!

ahem tonto
ahem tonto
2 years ago

Is anyone beside me fed up with the president threatening one sector of the U.S. population after another? We the people elect and pay for the politicians to do our will, not theirs. If we wanted a dictator rather than a president we could have moved to China, Russia or Cuba. Biden is a dictator, not the president!

2 years ago

Since when are children allowed to go to the dr. without a parent?
They can’t legally buy alcohol, cigarettes, guns, drive a car, vote.
Neither should it be legal for anyone, even a parent, to allow gender alterations to a child. There should be no mention of gender to students
in schools and definitely not behind a parents back.