Staatsfahne von Kalifornien, versehen mit Regenstreifen, aufgenommen in Castro Street in San Francisco. Via Wikimedia Commons.

Assembly Bill 2223 in California passed the Assembly Health Committee in a vote of 11-3 on Tuesday, moving the bill, which several legal experts believe creates a loophole for infanticide, to a third house committee.

While proponents of the bill argue it will help protect parents from prosecution if their baby is stillborn due to drug use or a pregnancy-related complication, the wording of the bill, some say, allows a loophole for infanticide. Following an April 6 amendment, the bill states:

Notwithstanding any other law, a person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty, or otherwise deprived of their rights under this article, based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death due to a pregnancy-related cause. (emphasis added)

The bill fails to define what is meant by “perinatal death” or “pregnancy-related cause,” which means that abortion survivors, preterm babies, or babies with health complications may be left to die, according to several legal experts. The perinatal period is defined differently by different medical groups, and can extend as long as 24 months after the child’s birth, but is widely accepted as extending at least 28 days following the child’s birth.

Read more at Live Action.

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JA Smith
JA Smith
2 years ago

Let’s see – first, abortion on demand, second “perinatal within 28 days or 24 months” (a form of euthanasia), followed by euthanasia for the terminally ill. After this the door is open for euthanizing people over 65, the criminally insane, and the merely insane. Then we get to the point where politically incorrect people are declared insane and euthanized.

Yes, the roads to Hell are indeed paved with good intentions (or at least “feel good for some” intentions).

Mary Carter
Mary Carter
2 years ago

America has gone from God fearing, civilized humanity to a brainless, sexless and criminal, indecent swampland. It has become unlivable for normal, law abiding, decent humanity. Satan is in charge now and even he wouldn’t live here. He hates Hell.

2 years ago

I remember many years ago hearing people say that they hoped that a big earthquake along the SanAndreas fault would cause most of California to slide into the sea. Now I understand why!!! It’s amazing how little conscience people can live with these days.

2 years ago

Liberals are a bunch of babies, will they be left to die ?

2 years ago

Is the next step in this evolution to just kill children at will? What about the mentally challenged, are they more trouble than they’re worth? Should we make laws to get rid of the undesirables? (or deplorables) California is just one of many states that have lost their way. God will not continue to standby as we murder our own children. there will be a day of judgement, Laugh if you will, make all your snied comments and tell yourselves we’re evolving. Have you thought about eternity? You enter as soon as you draw that last breath!

2 years ago

Next up will be euthanasia. Who needs old people anyway, they’re just a drain on society once they stop working and paying taxes? Isn’t that what most of those who aren’t old yet actually think? Any inconvenience must be destroyed, even if it relies on murder to meet those ends. Its so pathetic that anyone believes that.

Gene Ralno
Gene Ralno
2 years ago
Reply to  barb2554

Soon enough, Californians will be early consumers of Soylent Green.

Gene Ralno
Gene Ralno
2 years ago

California soon will have no pupils in public schools…or anywhere else.