Biden as he attacked Pro-Life moms. Photo/File/jlhervas / Flickr

Do you remember when Democrats touted the phrase “safe, legal, and rare?” Democrats today don’t seem to remember. Some even argue for abortion without any legal limits whatsoever. Now they cry for “abortion on demand and without apology.”

Joe Biden has taken abortion rhetoric farther than any other president in American history and he shows no signs of slowing. But it’s not nearly as popular once Americans actually know what’s going on.

LifeNews reports:

Once upon a time, in an America that now seems far, far away, a Democratic president said, “Our vision [is one] where abortion is safe and legal, but rare.” That was Bill Clinton in January 1993.

Nearly 30 years later, abortions are hardly rare. The pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute estimates that there were more than 930,000 abortions in 2020. Assuming that figure is accurate, that represents more than 2,500 abortions every single day in the United States.

Now compare these numbers to heart disease at 696,962 deaths in 2020; cancer at 602,350; COVID-19 at 350,831; accidents at 200,955; and strokes at 160,264. All these numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention simply don’t come close to the carnage abortion wrecks on society.

There were three times as many deaths from abortion as there were from COVID in 2020. And unlike most incidents of cancer, COVID, or accidents, abortion is a deliberate act meant to guarantee the death of a baby.

Now, if something was causing nearly one million deaths a year, more deaths than heart disease or cancer, you might expect our elected leaders to be alarmed and determined to take action to stop it, or at least dramatically reduce it.

John Fetterman

But instead they encourage it. Senate candidate John Fetterman is holding a rally so encourage and support abortion on September 11th. Yes, he’s using a day that Americans set aside to honor the dead as a platform to encourage the murder of unborn children. There is even a plaque at the 9/11 Memorial in New York that honors the 11 dead unborn children who were victims of the attack. And Joe Biden stands behind Fetterman. Here, you can see the Commander in Chief drawing a small crowd as he supports his wicked political ally.

Elizabeth Warren

Joe Biden, his administration, and his allies openly advocate for abortion up until the moment of birth. They believe that there is no good reason to restrict someone’s ability to kill a child. Elizabeth Warren and other democrats even demanded Biden declare a “public health emergency.” The real public health emergency is the systematic slaughter of nearly 1 million children each year and a political party sick enough to not only endorse but celebrate it.

Public Opinion

They even claim that threats to abortion are threats to democracy. Democrats claim that the majority of Americans support their wild and radical abortion dogma. That’s far from the truth, however. In reality, two thirds of Americans support limits on abortion and only 13% of Americans support abortion on demand. So no, this country isn’t in favor of mass-murder child sacrifice. In fact, if you talk to a neighbor or friend who claims to be pro-choice, the moment you start asking questions, they may start singing another tune.


This nation is not nearly as pro child murder as establishment democrats would have you believe. All it would take is simple conversations with average Americans to change the course of this radical and wicked movement. The time is now, and we need to fight like hell.

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Gene Ralno
Gene Ralno
1 year ago

This issue has re-ignited a well established fact that our Coprolite in Chief is the least competent and most anti-American in U.S. history. Every day, he assails the Republican Party with concocted and vicious innuendo. And every next day, he reads a script that walks it back. In view of his affliction, I doubt that he knows what he believes.

1 year ago

I know that liberals don’t really believe in Judgment Day for the simple reason that they think they’re God. But when Judgment day occurs and God asks them “Why did you murder your children that I gave you in their mother’s wombs?” they’re going to be totally speechless because they won’t have an answer. And it’ll be too late to have one then.

1 year ago

The darkest of all days for the United States is fast approaching our nation… God has been sending His warnings that heathen nation will destroy the United States, just as He had warned the Israelites on seven separate occasions as we are told in the Book of Judges because of the abomination of God’s chosen people. 
If God judged His chosen people so harshly, how much more should He not judged a nation and people who has slaughtered 70 million of the most innocent of all life in the womb of their mothers, and who have embraced every sexual sin known…

I believe the Rabbi Jonathan Cahn said it best in his book, “The Return of the Gods,” Rabbi Jonathan Cahn wrote, Molech was associated with the darkest of sins- the sacrifice of human beings and, in particular, the sacrifice of children. Evan darker, Molech is associated with the sacrifice of children by their parents. The Bible speaks of the act as the most grievous of “Abominations” as well as the sign of a nation that has turned entirely against the ways of God and become lost to Him. 

God has a set time for all things in His overall plans for man Salvation, and I believe we are about to enter in the darkest of all days in man’s history…
As I see it today, judgment must come first to the LORD House, and then the entering into the seven-years of the tribulation period.
God will save the born-again Christian in the blink of an eye, and He does provide forgiveness to those that truly repent of their sins…