Fr Sean Gough (@FrSeanDGough) / Twitter
Fr Sean Gough (@FrSeanDGough) / Twitter

A U.K. priest, Father Sean Gough, was arrested for his choice to pray too close to an abortion facility.

In the United Kingdom, there are 160-yard zones from abortion facilities. These zones are set up by the government to be God-less, full of censorship, and a situation where citizens can not even so much as offer help to women and provide an alternative to the choice of killing an unborn child.

While the U.K. can’t seem to figure out their rising crime rates, increases in stabbings, and their looming post-COVID-19 economic issues – one thing they’ve figured out is how to give women a 160-yard abortion zone

The Crown Prosecution Service has currently dropped Father Sean Gough’s charges. However, according to ADF UK, those charges could be reinstated.

On Wednesday, Father Sean Gough told “Tucker Carlson Tonight,”

“Nobody should be criminalized for the thoughts that they’re having in their own head, and this is what I was threatened with arrest for… I wasn’t actually arrested, but I was interrogated for it and questioned about the thoughts that I was having in my own head, my prayers to God, and then I was charged for doing just this.”

“Perhaps the most absurd charge that was laid against me is that I was also charged for having a bumper sticker on my car which says ‘Unborn Lives Matter’ and I parked this within the censorship zone, which the local council had established.”

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Adam Cantu
Adam Cantu
1 year ago

I just like the helpful information you provide in your articles

1 year ago

Nothing new here…..for the UK which long ago started their own Church a la Henry’s sexual corruption. He died of VD and it looks like his UK is following in his corruption.

1 year ago


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noter onaylı tercüme bursa
1 year ago

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