Lightning Storm, photo by Texaus via Flickr

374,155 lives were lost at the hands of the nation’s largest abortion provider. All of these lives were lost with funds stolen from your pocketbooks.

Planned Parenthood took almost 2 years to release its annual report from 2021. In that year, they took 374,155 lives of innocent, voiceless children. LifeNews did the math. That equates to one baby being murdered every 84 seconds.

LifeNews reports:

Its 2021 annual report, released this week, shows it aborted 374,155 babies. In 2019 the abortion giant killed 354,871 babies in abortions, showing that Planned Parenthood continues to kill more and more babies even as it does less and less legitimate health care.

That means Planned Parenthood killed 1,025 babies in abortions every single day — even though the abortion giant claims its main focus is merely women’s health care. In other words, Planned Parenthood kills one baby in an abortion every 84 seconds.

With the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute estimating 930,160 abortions, this means Planned Parenthood kills 40% of all babies killed in abortions in the United States.

“This is the second-most abortions that Planned Parenthood has performed in its history and represents approximately 40 percent of the abortions performed in the United States,” researcher Dr. Michael New noted.

Now, we have the abortion pill, which the Supreme Court decided to temporarily uphold its access. Will the number of lives lost be greater from the 2021 abortions? YES! The lives lost to the abortion pill will be at a staggering peak. We can count how many times that wretched pill will be sold, but can we count the amount of times it is taken? Not accurately. Therefore, we mourn the loss of all of those children too.

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