Logan Brown. Photo/End Wokeness

Logan Brown is a 27-year-old woman who identifies herself as a man. Recently, she made glamour news by appearing on the cover of Glamour UK, posing as a pregnant man. Brown disclosed to the magazine that she became pregnant from her male partner ‘Bailey’, who identifies himself/herself as “non-binary” and prefers the “they/them” pronoun. Brown elaborated that she stopped taking testosterone treatments for “health issues” and was shocked to discover that she was carrying a baby.

While trans activists and progressives may applaud Glamour UK for featuring a “pregnant man” on their cover, the fact remains that a “pregnant man” is a biological impossibility. A woman is required to carry, nourish, and deliver a fetus for nine months. Therefore, if a person is pregnant, they are biologically female, and there is no such thing as a pregnant man.

Despite the obvious biological facts, trans activists like Logan Brown have been making a concerted effort to normalize the idea of “pregnant men”. Brown stated that she had to “educate” people about the existence of “pregnant men”, and she refuses to accept the biological realities. Brown insists that she identifies as a man, even though she is biologically a woman carrying a child. She declares that she is a “pregnant man” who cannot be defined by the gender imposed on her by biology.

The very phrase “pregnant man” is an erosion of science, and it’s unsurprising that Brown has already begun a gendered approach towards her own child. Brown, who claims she is empowering herself as a “trans man”, doesn’t take into account basic biological truths. Brown should identify as a pregnant woman, not a pregnant man, and the Glamour UK cover should reflect this fact.

It’s important to note that misrepresenting scientific facts to push a progressive agenda can have serious consequences. While some people may find Brown’s insistence on calling herself a “pregnant man” harmless, it is indeed a significant disturbance to the fundamentals of science.

In conclusion, the trans activist push to normalize the “pregnant man” is not just dishonest, it is a direct assault on science. We should collectively demand accuracy in our scientific understanding, and reject any attempts to manipulate scientific facts for political gain.

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Celia Rosales
Celia Rosales
10 months ago

very informative articles or reviews at this time.