Looking east towards 6th Avenue along north (48th Street) side of Fox News building on a snowy afternoon. Via Wikimedia Commons.

The Wall Street Journal published a strong editorial Tuesday urging the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade and allow voters to protect unborn babies’ lives again.

The newspaper editors said the court has an excellent opportunity through the Mississippi case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health to correct its 1973 abortion ruling and restore the contentious issue to the people.

“This is the moment for the Justices to turn the issue over to the voters,” the editors wrote.

Since 1973, Roe has forced states to legalize abortions up to viability and allowed abortions up to birth. In December, however, the Supreme Court heard a Mississippi case that directly challenges Roe and later abortion ruling Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

Read more at Life News.

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Gene Ralno
Gene Ralno
2 years ago

The U.S. seems to have evolved into a society that believes abortion is a matter to be administered by the government and funded by taxpayers. Further, it believes abortion is a good thing to be promoted as if it were a commercial product.

Eventually, these promoters will get around to ruling the activities of obstetricians. It’s a small piece of what was to be absorbed in the original thousands of pages of ACA (Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare). Many in radioland know ACA failed but democrats won’t admit it.

It now has eight million enrollees, two percent of the population, and is marketed as a grand success with Medicaid touted as a part of ACA. The future looks grim as long as voters continue to believe the propaganda of socialist/communist factions that control big media.