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Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker won his second Super Bowl on Sunday after kicking the game winning field goal with seconds left. But the pro-bowl kicker is know for than his talents on the field, one of them being his deep commitment to the Christian faith. Throughout his career, he has been an outspoken advocate for Pro-Life values, and he has used his platform to spread a message of the dignity of human Life. After he made a 43-yard field goal to send the Chiefs to the Super Bowl this year, Butker told reporters, “I’m very blessed to be in this position, very thankful to God for kind of being with me along the way. I couldn’t have done it without him.”

Priest Arrested For Silently Praying Outside Abortion Clinic

Butker, who’s faith is evident in his entire life, is a devout Catholic and a member of the Knights of Columbus. He is one of the most vocal Christian athletes in the NFL, using his platform to promote Pro-Life values. He has featured in commercials to support pro-life amendments in Kansas like the  the “Value Them Both Amendment.” The proposition aimed to clarify that the Kansas Constitution does not include a right to abortion and Butker’s message in the ad was simple: “all human life is valuable and deserving of protection, regardless of age, race, or circumstance.”

Watch the ad below:

Butker is both a champion on the field and of life and is a true leader  and a role model for athletes everywhere.


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Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
1 year ago

I’m surprised he hasn’t been ousted yet. His convictions must really rankle NFL honchos.

1 year ago

All pro baby murderers need their lives ended. If they’d kill a helpless infant, they will kill us all. DOMESTIC ENEMIES MUST BE DENIED OUR RIGHTS. START WITH LIFE!

1 year ago

ALL LIVES DO MATTER. When did we lose our believe that a pregnant woman was carrying something Special. It would seem that TODAY we are 180 degrees from the belief that Life is Precious. Is it the Globalist’s idea that life be limited to the ELITIST FEW. ALL LIVES ARE PRECIOUS !!! Wait till yours is on the line and we’ll see then.