Photo of mother and newborn. (Martha Irvine/Associated Press)

Abortion activists are trying to scare Americans out of believing in pro-live values. Florida is in the midst of passing a new six-week heartbeat bill, that is aimed at protecting babies. Though through the comments of abortionist Robyn Schickler, the chief medical officer for Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida, many may be scared out of approving the life saving new bill. The new legislation, which is likely to pass has the potential to save tens of thousands of lives every year.

Abortionist Commentary
Robyn Schickler, the chief medical officer for Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida wrote an opinion column for the Tampa Bay Times this week where she stated,

“I believe a six-week abortion ban will kill patients.”

Florida doctors can no longer treat some of our patients when they’re in trouble. We can’t discuss options because there are none. Our only choice is to violate our Hippocratic oath and allow the patient to get sicker and sicker before we intervene.

Doctors are at the point where we have to say, “Yes, you will die if you don’t have an abortion. Yes, I am capable of providing an abortion. No, I am not allowed to provide that abortion because some politicians don’t like it, but here’s a state you can travel to instead.”

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Breaking Fact from Fiction
Schickler’s claims, simply put, are wrong. The new Florida pro-life bill does not ban abortions after six-weeks, first off. Instead the bill will protect unborn babies by banning most abortions when a heartbeat is detected, which in most cases is at six-weeks. The bill will also have a number of exceptions, which Schickler failed to mention. It will include exceptions for victims of rape and incest, and cases where the mother’s health is at risk. This bill and others, contrary to Schickler’s points, will allow doctors to treat pregnant mothers. As abortion bans only ban elective abortions.

Furthermore, as LifeNews pointed out, the new Florida bill will include jail time for abortionists who kill unborn babies, but also jail time to those who kill mothers in the process of preforming an abortion, showing that pro-lifers care about moms too.

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The biggest piece of evidence pro-lifers can argue with is fact. One big fact is the statistics of bills already in effect. The Texas heartbeat bill, which has been in effect for almost two years, has never killed anyone. In fact, due to the Texas heartbeat bill tens of thousands of babies’ lives have been saved in the past couple years.

If further evidence is needed, research done by both sides show that pro-life laws are saving babies. That research has come from The Catholic University of America and the Charlotte Lozier Institute. If Florida’s heartbeat bill passes it could potentially save thousands of lives and there is evidence to back it up if you are being lead to believe otherwise.

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