Photo of Jim Justice and his beloved dog Baby Dog at his Senatorial Announcement Thursday.

Governor Jim Justice has been a prominent figure in West Virginia politics for several years. He announced his bid for the United States Senate Thursday, and his stance on several key issues has come into focus, including his position on abortion. Governor Justice made the announcement to run for Senator Joe Manchin’s seat on April 27, 2023. Justice, a Republican, is running in an attempt to take Manchin’s seat. Currently, Justice’s approval rating in West Virginia is at 64% whereas Manchin’s is at 40%.

Who is Jim Justice?
Justice is a well-known figure in West Virginia politics, having served as the state’s governor since 2017. Prior to his tenure as governor, he was a successful businessman and owned several coal mines in the state. Governor Justice’s entry into the Senate race will undoubtedly spark a debate on the issue of abortion, as well as other key issues facing the state and the country. His pro-life stance will appeal to many voters in the conservative state.

What Is His Stance On Abortion?
Justice’s stance on abortion aligns with many in the Republican Party, who have been working to restrict access to abortion in recent years. Justice’s position on abortion has been controversial in the past. In 2018, he signed a bill into law that banned abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, with some exceptions for medical emergencies. The law was challenged in court, and a federal judge blocked its enforcement. Though in 2022 he signed an abortion ban that only allowed exceptions for medical emergencies, rape, and incest. That bill made it impossible for West Virginia’s only abortion clinic to continue offering its services keeping abortionists in the state from killing babies.

How Will Justice’s Stance On Abortion Continue In The Senate?
Justice has always been vocal about his pro-life stance, and he has made it clear that he intends to continue this stance if elected to the Senate. During Governor Justice’s announcement, he stated that he had always believed in life and pro-life values and that he has created the “toughest of the toughest” laws to protect life in the country. In a statement released after his announcement, Justice stated that he believes that “life begins at conception, and every human life is valuable and deserves protection.”

As the Senate race heats up, it remains to be seen how Justice’s stance on abortion will play out among voters. Regardless of the outcome, the issue of abortion is sure to remain a hotly debated topic in West Virginia and across the nation.

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