Kathleen Folan and "gift from god" Nathan. Photo/Epoch Times/ Kathleen Folan

In 1990 college junior Kathleen Folan became pregnant after being raped by an acquaintance. As a devout Catholic, the young woman knew she wanted to honor God’s wishes and carry the child to term. She chose not to have an abortion and instead placed her son with a family that prioritized their faith and lived in the way she hoped to one day. Folan made the difficult decision after drawing on her faith and the knowledge that the life inside her held value.

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After baby Nathan was born, Kathleen made the decision to place him with the Sullivan family who had been waiting to adopt a second child for years. They were overjoyed to welcome him into their home and raised him with a strong emphasis on faith and God. The Sullivans also made sure that Nathan had a relationship with his biological mother, who was grateful to see that he was being loved and cared for. Folan had a hard time coming to terms with leaving her son and letting him live the life she could not give him. Though after a trip to visit a then 10-month-old Nathan, Kathleen saw the baby in the environment she had hoped he would have and she found peace in her decision.

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Despite the trauma of the rape, Kathleen Folan found solace in her faith and the knowledge that she had made the right decision for her child. Kathleen went on to get married and have three children though she remained in contact with the Sullivans and Nathan. Her children even met and grew to have their own relationship with their half-brother, and they all eventually attended Nathan’s wedding. Kathleen shares her story today in hopes that it inspires others who may find themselves in a similar situation to choose life and give their child the chance to thrive in a loving family environment. After all, Kathleen shared the major deciding factor for carrying Nathan to term, contrary to the Democratic idea that rape-induced babies were a mistake, was that Nathan was a growing human being that “would have his first breath, first smile, first steps, first day of kindergarten, and all the amazing mysteries that life has to offer,” and was growing inside of her.

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