Joe Biden’s nominee to lead global health development at the U.S. Agency for International Development, Atul Gawande, formerly claimed that brutal partial-birth abortion techniques should be accepted, writing, “Grossness is not a good objection” in a Slate magazine op-ed. 

“Lots of operations are gross–leg amputations, burn surgery, removal of facial tumors, etc. But that does not make them wrong,” wrote Gawande.

Life News reports:

A partial birth abortion is one in which an abortion doctor delivers a living baby until the baby’s head is outside the mother’s body, then punctures the back of the baby’s head, “removing the baby’s brains,” according to the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act.

Biden’s Health and Human Services Director Xavier Becerra has repeatedly refused to acknowledge that the procedure is illegal, though the highly discussed piece of legislation passed Congress in 2003, was signed by former President George W. Bush, and was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court as constitutional in 2007.

Gawande also describes a partial birth abortion in gruesome detail in his 1998 op-ed, acknowledging that late-term abortions are “disturbing” since the unborn baby is ” big now–like a fully formed child.”

“Partial-birth abortion is, if anything, less grotesque,” he wrote, comparing partial birth abortion to Dilation and Evacuation procedures. “The fetus is delivered feet first. To get the large head out, the doctor cuts open a hole at the base of the fetus’s skull and inserts tubing to suck out the brain, which collapses the skull.”

“Two of my obstetrician friends, both strongly pro-choice, told me that, even when it is a mother’s life at stake and abortion is absolutely necessary, doing the D and E feels ‘horrible,’” the Biden nominee wrote. “We imagine, as we look in the fetus’s eyes, that there is someone in there. And if there were, any elective late abortion–even by induction–would be wrong, though D and E and partial-birth abortion would seem especially cruel,” wrote Gawande.

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Essie Kayes
Essie Kayes
2 years ago

“Lots of operations are gross–leg amputations, burn surgery, removal of facial tumors, etc. But that does not make them wrong,” Every one of these surgeries are HELPING people, not killing them. My heart hurts and my mind can’t wrap around this kind of evil.

2 years ago
Reply to  Essie Kayes

You’re correct, and there is no distinction, a VERY OBVIOUS one, which the proaborts repeatedly refuse to make when using this argument: that the leg, or the burn, etc are unique separate beings! They are not! They’re parts of a solitary, very unique human being. The unborn baby remains as always:a unique and separate individual. To end their lives, especially with total indifference to their SUFFERING, is the most evil of acts. Doubtless these same people would be reviled by a person catching a fly to then pull its wings off! This writer would agree that that is the action of a seriously mentally ill person….how can that same pro-abort, so concerned about cruelty to a fly, then turn around and say the unborn child having its life ended is morally acceptable and not the actions of a mentally ill and cruel practitioner?

Last edited 2 years ago by Barbara
2 years ago

That is the saddest thing I have ever heard. The women who agree to the partial birth abortions are also guilty of murder.

suzanne wood
suzanne wood
2 years ago
Reply to  Greta

Well, I would think that Supreme Court Kavanaugh would at least keep his mouth shut since he raped a young woman. I don’t know if she had an abortion or not. Since these men want to end a woman’s right to choose, I think the Supreme Court should make a new law that says if a man has sex with a woman, and she becomes pregnant and can’t have an abortion, the man who had sex with her should, BY LAW, support that child financially and physically and act like a real father.

Stephen Weiss
Stephen Weiss
2 years ago
Reply to  suzanne wood

and by that exact same logic, a Man should have the RIGHT to choose whether a woman he impregnated should be permitted to have the Child. Right?
wouldn’t that then be “A Man’s Right to choose”?

2 years ago
Reply to  suzanne wood

Kavanaugh did not rape that lying woman.

2 years ago
Reply to  suzanne wood

Obviously your mother made the wrong choice, do you hate her for it? Can she choose a late term abortion now?

Lillian Reheusser
Lillian Reheusser
2 years ago
Reply to  suzanne wood

Keep in mind that a Supreme Court comprised of men gave us Roe v Wade. Perhaps they felt men should not have to support the children they conceive as that is already a law in this country.

2 years ago
Reply to  suzanne wood

Get your head out of the sand. There was never any proof of rape by Kavanaugh. This woman who claimed such an act against her was proven unfit and mentally imbalanced, she lied. Time to face the truth instead of smearing such falsehoods.

2 years ago
Reply to  suzanne wood

Would you apply the same rule to sperm donors?

2 years ago
Reply to  suzanne wood

Hey Suzanne , typical response from a left wing radical, no proof whatsoever but trash him anyway! Scumbag

2 years ago
Reply to  Greta

And the practitioner is the hit man. A very well compensated($$$$) hit man.

Stephen Weiss
Stephen Weiss
2 years ago

The actual definition of ” a woman’s right to choose”… her ability to Kill a child.

you can babble all you want about health issues, but at the end of the day if you kill something to help something is still MURDER.

2 years ago

All democrats are murderers!

2 years ago

“The natural love of a mother for her child will be gone.”

charles A wilkins
charles A wilkins
2 years ago

STOP THE INVASION HEADING TOWARDS OUR BORDER, STOP THE LIES, STOP THE DEMOCRATS, STOP BIDEN BOOSTER LIES, TOP DEMOCRAT INFLATION, STOP BIDEN, Biden, has become the loose cannon that can’t be allowed to continue, this person has lost all American values, He has forfeited his right, to any position of power, If he won’t resign it’s time for impeachment, let’s get this done, before it’s too late. THE FREE WORLD STAGE WILL NEVER TRUST ANOTHER DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT, BIDEN, HAS SEEN TO THAT FOREVER, WHAT A CORRUPT DISLOYAL PERSON, NO SOUL NO HONOR, NO LOYALTY, NO ALLIES, JOE AND HIS LACK OF MORAL TURPITUDE, Time to hold the Biden family responsible for their crimes against our Nation, Time to hold his radical cabinet members responsible for their crimes against the American people, Time for full accountability on acceptance of money from foreign sources, who are adversarial to our Governmental and it’s ideals. principals. Biden crime family has been allowed to continue for too long. Time has come to hold the Biden’s for criminal acts against the American people. The Country can not continue on this path without the full input of Congress to hold the executive branch to the laws they created and that are in place to stop incompetent self elected dictatorships from taking our country and overreaching criminal political obfuscation by a mindless leader.WHY DOES THE BIDEN ADMINSTRATION THINK IT’S ABOVE OUR LAWS.

2 years ago

Comparing partial birth to D&C is grotesque