2011 NFL Draft stage. Via Wikimedia Commons.

Former NFL defensive end Kenyon Coleman recently spoke with the group Live Action during a man-on-the-street interview, revealing that he is deeply pro-life.

Live Action reports:

“[Abortion is] taking a life,” he said. “I think that our culture has tried to turn it into a medical procedure and desensitize people but, you know, life is life, and whether it’s in the womb or to the tomb. And I think that if we can get more people educated on what abortion actually is, then I think people’s perception would change. We’ve turned it into something political and to me, it’s not a political issue, it’s a life issue.”

Coleman considers himself to be “100% pro-life” with no exceptions for children conceived in rape or incest, or children diagnosed with a medical condition while in the womb. From the moment of fertilization, he said, there is a unique life, and “at the end of the day, God is the creator and He loves His creation.”

He also offered a very personal experience that led him to be so ardently against abortion. In college, his girlfriend became pregnant. Although he believed the child was his, she had not been exclusively with him, and therefore, Coleman felt he had a right to support an abortion.

“[T]he aftermath and the consequences and the shame, and stuff like that… ” he said. “The thing is that if someone has had an abortion, you know, there’s definitely… you don’t want to carry around guilt and shame your whole life. We’ve all fallen short in areas of our lives, but you can’t right a wrong with two wrongs, you know. To me, there might be unplanned pregnancies, but there are no unplanned lives. So that’s my view on it.”

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Thomas allen
Thomas allen
2 years ago

Bless this man for speaking truth!!!
Abortion is murder, prove me wrong.
God help us all in this struggle against Satan , asked in the name of Jesus.

2 years ago

Thank you Mr. Coleman for using your platform to praise and give glory to God.

2 years ago

Bless this man for speaking the truth.